Thursday, May 13, 2010

Story of an Hour

This story is about Louise Mallard has heart trouble, so she must be informed carefully about her husband’s death. Her sister, Josephine, tells her the news. Louise’s husband’s friend, Richards, learned about a railroad disaster when he was in the newspaper office and saw Louise’s husband, Brently, on the list of those killed. Louise begins sobbing when Josephine tells her of Brently’s death and goes upstairs to be alone in her room. While in her room she goes through a couple of emotions saddnes, and awkwardly joy. Indeed sad because her husband is dead but she all of a sudden she get happy because she is free of his horrid ways until, Josephine comes to her door, begging Louise to come out, warning her that she’ll get sick if she doesn’t. Louise tells her to go away. She fantasizes about all the days and years ahead and hopes that she lives a long life. Then she opens the door, and she and Josephine start walking down the stairs, where Richards is waiting.

The front door unexpectedly opens, and Brently comes in. He hadn’t been in the train accident or even aware that one had happened. Josephine screams, and Richards tries unsuccessfully to block Louise from seeing him. Doctors arrive and pronounce that Louise died of a heart attack brought on by supposed happiness yea right she died because her heart couldnt handle the tourment that her husban was due to put her through.

Upon reading about Louise's condition it made me look into how to prevent having a heart condition here are some of the tips i found on these are just a couple ways to alter your diet to prevent such a thing from happening to you.

1. Limit unhealthy fats and cholesterol

2. Choose low-fat protein sources

3. Eat more vegetables and fruits

4. Select whole grains (yucky lol)

5. Reduce the salt in your food

6. Control your portion size

7. Plan ahead: Create daily menus

8. Allow yourself an occasional treat ( me likey : ) )

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