Thursday, May 13, 2010

Everything that rises must Converge

I hated this story from start to end like I really didnt like it it was terrible but it did make me wonder when the YMCA started

Here's what I found

The Young Men's Christian Association was founded in London, England, on June 6, 1844, in response to unhealthy social conditions arising in the big cities at the end of the industrial revolution(roughly 1750 to 1850). Growth of the railroads and centralization of commerce and industry brought many rural young men who needed jobs into cities like London. They worked 10 to 12 hours a day, six days a week.

Oedipus the King

TALK ABOUT TABOO AT ITS FINEST!!!! this dude life sucks killed ur parents did the nasty with yo mamma HAD A BABY ! with yo mamma trying to good by your people only to find out that your the cause of the whole problem Oedipus man if you were ever real and some how some way you read this blog I got you with a hug because your really need it great story other wise hope this becomes a movie i would watch I'm a fan of good drama. Poor Oedipus he really took one for the team.

Nine Ten

After reading this play I really hope I dont end up on jury duty but I wouldnt mind in a way but I would if the trial does become that long ill just claim I'm a felon for the easy way out but this play was nice to read but there really wasnt anything compelling for me to say i enjoyed it.


The things women will do to look good for a man or to get laid a couple more times a week. In my eyes all women are beautyful no all are my taste but there is that one man out there who will love the women that she is with not for her clothes, shoes, make-up, hair, nails, but for who they really are.

Where Are you Going Where Have you Been

When I read this play it reminds me of what is going on in todays world where you have young girls picking up this celebrity person just to attract someone sexually,or to be known as the perso that is most similar to that celebrity or whoever they decide to impersonate. This has been land some good young women into things they shouldn't be in. I've herd the saying "dont judge a book by its cover" but some peoples pages are written out of contex and the book isnt as good as advertised or its just a compleatly different story.

I Dream Before I Take the Stand

This was one of the most entertaining plays I've read during this course because you get to see in detail how a lawyer has to just chew up a witness or a suspect and it isnt because he wants to but its because its his job I dont think anyone can be as mindless. Its very tough when you make someone relive a horrid event but as the witness its something you have to go through to get the justice that you desire.....


This play by Jose Rivera is creepy as creepy gets it seems that its being done in a purgatory where this "person" has to listen to every lie he has ever said and there's 10,000 boxes just imagine having to do that like damn that really sucks make you want to pratice being truthful as much as you can.........